Warranty and Returns
QSTARZ will repair or replace your product if your product has a manufacturing defect that is covered by the warranty below. QSTARZ is not responsible for shipping costs associated with warranty returns.
  1. BEFORE sending anything to QSTARZ, please contact our Customer Support Team. They are often able to solve the problem quickly via email.
  2. If our Customer Support Team determines that your problem qualifies under warranty coverage, you will be issued an RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization) number.
  3. Prepare a package to return to QSTARZ.
  4. Please include your original receipt and a clearly written explanation of the problem.
  5. Write your RMA number on the outside of the box and send to:
QSTARZ Warranty Returns
RMA# _______
6F-2, No. 160, Ming Chuan E. Rd., Sec. 6, Taipei 114, Taiwan
Returns that don’t qualify for warranty coverage will be returned to customers. It is vital that you communicate with QSTARZ’s Customer Support Team before sending in your return!
QSTARZ products are guaranteed against manufacturing defects one (1) year from the original date of purchase. QSTARZ’s sole obligation in the event of such defects during this period is to repair or replace the defective part or product with a comparable part or product at QSTARZ’s sole discretion. Except for such repair or replacement, the sale, processing or other handling of this product is without warranty, condition or other liability even though the defect or loss is caused by negligence or other fault. Damage resulting from use, accident, or normal wear and tear is not covered by this or any warranty. QSTARZ assumes no liability for any accident, injury, death, loss, or other claim related to or resulting from the use of this product. In no event shall QSTARZ be liable for incidental or consequential damages relating to or resulting from the use of this product or any of its parts. This product is not warranted against accessories damage. Please review and follow the instructions carefully when using the attached accessories! Returns or replacements of parts and/or products may be subject to shipping, handling, replacement and/or restocking fees.